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The Incipient Shire of Champcorbeau (Chatham-Kent) is located in the Kingdom of Ealdormere.
Champcorbeau was officially made Incipient at Winter War, AS. 54 (2020), and is sponsored by the Shire of Bastille du Lac, through the patronage of Their Royal Highnesses at the time, Rattanicus and Isabel.
Origin of the Name
Champcorbeau is French for “Field of Crows” - a reference to their early meeting place.
Seneschal: Renier
Exchequer: Lady Selewine de la Wode
Minister of Arts & Sciences: Lady Chera Squirrel
Chronicler: Lord Roberto Salvazzi
Minister of Children: Lady Selewine de la Wode
External Links
branches/incipient_shire/champcorbeau.1662857041.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)