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Petrea Thule
The Canton of Petrea Thule is located in the Barony of Septentria. Mundanely located in Peterborough Ontario, Petrea Thule is a long-established canton of more than three decades. The Canton of Petrea Thule has a long-standing relationship with Trent University; however it should be noted that the group is a canton, not a college. Because Petrea Thule is a stable and financially solvent group, they have sponsored and supported other, newer groups in the past; most recently the Shire of Bastille du Lac through its extended “incipient” period.
According to the Historia Septentriae, Petrea Thule was established by Sylard of Eagleshaven as a penal colony is AS X (1977).
All meetings are conducted in modern clothing.
Arts & Sciences meetings occur every-other Wednesday during the school year at St. Anne's Elementary school; the alternating Wednesdays are fight practices in the school gymnasium at St. Anne's. Meetings and practices begin at 7:00.
During the summer months (June-August), armoured combat practices occur just beside the east parking lot at Rogers' Cove Park on Maria St., every Wednesday night, weather permitting. Practices run from six o'clock until it's too dark to fight anymore, or sometimes a bit longer.
As the meeting schedule and location tends to be fluid, new and potential members are encouraged to check the canton's Facebook page as a way of keeping informed as to the schedule.
Members of Petrea Thule refer to themselves as “Thuligans” (rhyming with “Hooligans”) and pride themselves on the principle of “Once a Thuligan, always a Thuligan”: many people got their start in the SCA as students in Peterborough and then moved away after graduation but are always welcome to remain Thuligans, regardless of geographical location.
Canton Officers
Exchequer: Lady Kaisa Haapalainen
Castellan: Bjǫrn Járnason
Minister of Arts & Sciences: Baroness Anne Tinker
The arms of the Canton are: Or, in pale a compass star gules within a laurel wreath and a chain fesswise throughout embowed to base sable all within a bordure gules.
The Canton Motto is: Non Fugiant Mortam Lassae. (Or possibly Nolite Portam Aetherus, depending on who you ask.)
The Canton of Petrea Thule hosts several events throughout the year, especially the recurring annual events Late Winter Shoot and Pikeman's Pleasure. Other hosted events include the biennial event Icelandic Althing. Petrea Thule has also hosted the Kingdom Arts & Sciences Event.