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The Canton of Caldrithig (Ottawa) is located in the Barony of Skraeling Althing. Caldrithig encompasses the City of Ottawa, Ontario.
- Seneschal: Lord Michael Corviser
- Exchequer: Lady Alys Blackcloak
- Pursuivant: Lady Jaqueline de Bucquoy
- Minister of Arts and Science: THL Alais de Poitiers
- Armoured Combat Marshal: Lord Ulric
- Rapier Combat Marshal: Lord Gavin MacAidan
- Chatelaine: Herr Ulricus Wulbrandus von Geusa
- Web Minister: Lady Elsebeth Ffarberyn
External Links
branches/canton/caldrithig.1459370940.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)