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Bastille du Lac
The Shire of Bastille du Lac (Hastings and Prince Edward Counties including the Cities of Belleville and Quinte West) is located in the Kingdom of Ealdormere.
The Shire of Bastille du Lac is located on a busy commercial route in the south-east portion of the Kingdom of Ealdormere. Deep inside a sheltered bay on the shores of the inland sea, at the frontier between the Baronny of Septentria and Skraeling Althing, the Shire is at the cross road of the Kingdom and this position created a warm and generous people ready to welcome all weary travellers.
In a modern context, the Shire of Bastille du Lac is located primarily in Belleville and Trenton, Ontario, on the shore of the Quinte bay.
In 1998, the gentles of the region sought the keys of their freedom by asking permission to the Prince of, then, the Principality of Ealdormere to create their own Shire. After many moons, many seasons and more missive than anyone can remember, Royal ascension to the full status of Shire was granted on the day of Candlemas, the 2nd day of February AS 47 (2013) by King Roak the Seventh at the Tournoi du Coeur de Glace.
- Senechal:
- Exchequer:
- Deputy Exchequer:
- Marshal:
- Herald:
- Minister of Arts and Sciences:
Traditionaly, the Shire of Bastille du Lac will hold up to two local events a year. In the past few years, the most notable reoccurence are:
The Tournoi du Coeur de Glace: Set in the middle of winter it was created to shake the warrior community out of the too comfortable abuse of the holiday season. It is a Martial Arts event that features Armoured Combat and Rapier Combat.
Days of Piracy is a relaxed gathering featuring all sort of martial activites with a martime flavor. Set in the late summer, the goal of the event is to enjoy the final long days before the gentle Lord and Ladies must retreat to the winter quarters.