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Order of Thorbjorn's Hammer

The Order of Thorbjorn's Hammer is a grant-level Order in the Kingdom of Ealdormere. It is a polling order, thus members of the order give suggestions to the Crown for new inductees.

This award is named after Duke Thorbjorn Osis Brandsson who died in a car accident during his reign as second King of Ealdormere.


Members of this Order are individuals who:

  • Have exhibited excellence in a martial activity approved in Ealdormere
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of related skills and/or of other martial disciplines
  • Demonstrate a leadership role in a martial activity, including a willingness to teach
  • Present a reasonably authentic appearance
  • Provide an example of courtesy and chivalry worthy of emulation

Symbols and Titles

Recipients may style themselves 'The Honourable Lord' or 'The Honourable Lady'. They are properly addressed as 'Your Ladyship' or 'Your Lordship'.

Recipients are also allowed to bear the badge Gules, a Thor's hammer within a bordure embattled argent.

Badge of the Order of Thorbjorn's Hammer: Gules, a Thor's hammer within a bordure embattled argent.
awards/order_of_thorbjorn_s_hammer.1679955170.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 by

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