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Cup of Teacht Ceartha Mor

The Cup of Teacht Ceartha Mor was a Septentrian award of special distinction created by Ieaun and Adrielle in the same spirit as the Cauldron of Ceridwen. It was inspired and named for Aedan and Kaffa's household in that they, Aedan and Kaffa, always exemplified to Ieuan and Adrielle what it meant to be a part of Septentria. The Cup was given in recognition of a level of contribution to the Barony by an individual that was generous and without regard for compensation, a dedication to the fostering of new groups and individuals through extending the hospitality of Septentria through their efforts, which served to unify the people, and that enriched and added to the quality of life within the Barony and indeed the entire Society.

The Cup itself was fashioned of stone to symbolize the strength of the Barony and bore Aedan and Kaffa's personal devices as well as that of the Barony's and was reportedly made by the wee folk of the wood and presented to Ieaun and Adrielle at their first Twelfth Night as Baron and Baroness by Mistress Breannaidh. The populace was charged to keep the Cup ever-full so the cupbearer would never go without drink during their year and so that the populace might repay the generosity the recipient had shown others.

The recipients were of the Cup were:

  • Lady Inez Maria Carmen de Freitas AS 28
  • Lord Thevenin de la Cote d'Azur AS 29
  • Signora Leonora da Lilliaciea AS 30
  • Dom Nicolae Cioranu AS 31
  • Hlaford Cynred Broccan AS 32
  • Mistress Mordreth Llanelli Colwyn and Master Sylard of Eagleshaven As 33
awards/cup_of_teacht_ceartha_mor.1431539772.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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