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Award of Arms

An Award of Arms is the lowest level of armigerous rank awarded by the Crown. It gives the recipient the right to bear arms, and is given for service that enhances the game for others in some way. This award is usually the first award a gentle receives in the society.

Symbols and Titles

Recipients may style themselves 'Lord' or 'Lady'. They are properly addressed as “my Lord” or “my Lady.”

Additional Awards

The Award of Arms exists society-wide, and in Ealdormere it is normally given on its own. However, each Kingdom has additional awards which automatically bestow an Award of Arms on the recipient if he or she does not already have one. In Eadldormere, these awards are as follows:

awards/award_of_arms.1510154296.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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