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The seneschal is the administrative and legal leader of a group in the SCA. Every branch has a seneschal, from the kingdom down to each canton. The role of seneschal must be filled in order for a branch to exist.

Job Description

  • Legal - The seneschal is the legal representative of the SCA for the branch. The name of the seneschal goes on contracts and paperwork for things such as renting spaces.
  • SCA Laws- The seneschal is required to veto ideas being considered by the branch that go against Corpora or are illegal. The seneschal also facilitates voting.
  • Officers- The seneschal must make sure that all necessary officer positions are filled, and oversee the selection of officers.
  • Meetings - The seneschal should attend most meeting, as he or she is expected to lead the meetings, and as either the seneschal or his or her deputy need to be there in order for financial votes to be held. It is the seneschal's job to make sure that there is a way for members to be kept informed of branch activities, officer votes, upcoming events, and so forth.
  • Paperwork - The seneschal must submit four reports each year on the state of the branch. The seneschal also needs to sign event paperwork, and submit other paperwork such as change of officer forms. It is the responsibility of the seneschal to make sure that event paperwork and exchequer reports are submitted on time, and the seneschal should read and sign the exchequer reports.
  • Communication - The seneschal is expected to communicate with other seneschals, particularly the seneschal one reports to and any seneschals who report to him or her. The seneschal is also expected to keep members up to date on issues in the kingdom, such as kingdom law changes. If there are issues in the branch, the seneschal is the person who is generally the first to deal with them.

See Also


activities/service/offices/seneschal.1443203873.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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