Eluned verch Angor


Mistress Eluned verch Angor is a resident of the small community protected by Castell Nanhyfer in South-West Wales in the early 12th Century. Life within the bailey of the castle includes a small plot of farming, cooking, sewing, nalbinding, knitting, making various uses of wool and other household tasks.


Eluned resides in the Canton of Caldrithig, in the Barony of Skraeling Althing.


Offices and Appointments

Current Offices

Eluned currently holds no offices.

Past Offices

* Minister of Arts & Sciences - Canton of Caldrithig

Past Appointments

SCA History

Eluned first attended Feast of the Hare in 1994 which was followed by many years of sporadic participation the Cantons of Petrea Thule and Caldrithig until early in 2008 when she returned and stayed as an active member within the Barony of Skraeling Althing. She is a former Apprentice of Mistress Siglinde Harfnerstochter.

Eluned has prepared a number of feasts with the help of many friends. As Kitchen staff, she helped with the feasts for Break the Back of Winter (2009) and Feast of the Hare (2009); as Head Cook, she oversaw the feasts at Break the Back of Winter (2010); Feast of the Hare (2010); Feast of the Hare (2012) and Feast of the Hare (2016). Eluned was Autocrat for Baronial 12th Night (2011).

Eluned was placed on Vigil at Queen's Prize Tourney 2016 to contemplate her invitation to join the Order of the Laurel and elevated at Practicum 2017.



Other Activities

Eluned has completed her challenge for entry to the White Wolf Fian (for Stinging Nettles) in November, 2011; that same year she was the Ealdormere Kingdom A&S Pentathlon Winner and Kingdom Arts & Sciences Champion.

At Break the Belt of Winter 2016 Eluned was the winner of the first Barony of Skraeling Althing A&S Championship. Eluned also successfully re-challenged into the White Wolf Fian at Spring Coronation 2016.

Eluned is a member of Royal Guild of Ealdormerian Feast Cooks.

There is an unconfirmed report that she is a principle member of the Super Secret Dagmar Fan Club.

Her blog

Arms: Vairy vert and argent, on a pale argent a pallet wavy vert.
Badge: Vert, a goose statant contourny within an orle argent.
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