The White Bear Fian is the Septentrian Baronial fighting Order. The order was founded during the reign of Baron Aedan and Baroness Caffa (first Baron and second Baroness of Septentria) on June 8, A.S. 26 (1991).
Candidates are first examined by their Excellencies to find if they are “courteous; able at archery; proficient at song, story, chess or dance; and knowledgeable or skilled at an art or science”. If they are found suitable, they may then offer challenge for entry.
Since the Fian is self-governing, the fianna (members) determine who among them will fight the best-two-of-three challenge, and the manner and style of fighting. Unsuccessful challengers may challenge again.
The White Bear Fian is charged to uphold the honor of the barony, and the honor of combat, above any other affiliation. It is modeled after the legendary fianna who guarded Ireland's shore independent of any petty king or clan.
The first members of the Fian were Master Alasdair of Raasay, Lord Ceallac cu Meallian, Earl Syr David Martin Failsworth, Duke Sir Finnvarr de Taahe and Lord Tai Chin Wu.
Note about discrepancies in the dates: According to Ealdormere’s kingdom OP, the first five members of the Fian were inducted on June 8 AS 26 (1991). However, the article from the Ursus #143 says the Fian was founded two years previously (so 1989). According to an article about the Fian, gaining entry did not originally carry any precedence. It is possible that when the Fian awards were eventually created they were given a date of 1991.
Also note that Oikawa Katsu’s Fian is dated in 1988, which is a year earlier than the Ursus said the Fian was founded and Ziegfried Gunter von Weaselberg’s Fian is dated in January 1991 (five months before the order was founded).