The Royal Ealdormere Guild of Vexillology is devoted to the study of any and all aspects of the study of Vexillology, or Flags. Open to those members of the Kingdom of Ealdormere so interested, the guild encourages the study of, and sharing knowledge of, all aspects of Flags, Standards, Banners and Bunting as used in period and Society heraldic display.
Vexillology is the scientific study of the history, symbolism and usage of flags or, by extension, any interest in flags in general. The word is a synthesis of the Latin word vexillum (“flag”) and the Greek suffix -logia (“study.”) It was coined in 1957 by Whitney Smith, considered the worlds foremost authority on all things related to the art and study of flags and their history and symbolism. A person who studies flags is a vexillologist; vexillography is the art of designing flags; one who does so is a vexillographer; an admirer of flags is a vexillophile.
The Royal Ealdormere Guild of Vexillology was given royal charter by Her Majesty, Rylyn III, in AS 52.