
Practicum is an Arts & Sciences event, dedicated to classes and teaching.


According to Dame T'sivia bas Tamara of Amberview, Practicum began as one- or two-hour long classes in order to give the locals something to do in the depths of winter.

Persistent rumours suggest that this event started as a birthday celebration for Baroness Enid Aurelia of the Tin Isles. These rumours persist despite the lady's own claims to the contrary.

Over time, the event has become a day of many classes of various lengths on sundry topics. Past topics include lectures on Historical Figures; subjects in Armoured Combat; subjects in Fencing; histories of the SCA; recording your musical performance at home, subjects on EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion); and all manner of making. Often, because classes could be messy, the day does not require garb. After classes, garb is donned for court, feast (often potluck), and dancing.


Practicum is typically held in the Canton of Caldrithig.


Practicum occurs on the last weekend of February.


There have been discussions about extending this event to encompass a whole weekend.