[{{media:heraldry:branch_heraldry:ealdormere-acheivment.jpg?210px|The arms of the Kingdom of Ealdormere: //Gules, a trillium flower affronty argent, barbed vert, within a laurel wreath, in chief a coronet argent.//}}]
====== Welcome to the Ealdormere Wiki ======
Welcome to the official wiki page for the kingdom of [[Branches:kingdom:Ealdormere]]. The Kingdom of Ealdormere, which claims almost all of Ontario, is currently one of only two completely Canadian Kingdoms in the [[scaism:Society for Creative Anachronism]].
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===== Other Kingdom Wikis =====
* [[middlewiki>Main_Page|Midrealm Wiki]]
* [[eastwiki>Main_Page|East Kingdom Wiki]]
* [[http://antir.sca.wiki//index.php?title=Main_Page|An Tir Culturewiki]]
* [[https://historian.ansteorra.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page|Ansteorra History Wiki]]
* [[https://wiki.atenveldt.org/index.php?title=Main_Page|Atenveldt Wiki]]
* [[https://wiki.atlantia.sca.org/index.php?title=Main_Page|Atlantia's test wik]]
* [[http://sites.avacal.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page|Avacal Wiki]]
* [[lochacwiki>Main_Page|Cunnan, Lochac's wiki]]
* [[caidwiki>Main_Page|Compendium Caidis, Caid's wiki ]]