====== Knowne World ====== The **Knowne World** refers to the places where the [[Society for Creative Anachronism]] exists. The Knowne World is divided into twenty Kingdoms, each with its own set of traditions and awards. However, some awards, such as [[awards:Award of Arms]] and [[awards:Patent of Arms]] are recognized across the entirety of the Knowne World. The Knowne World is governed by [[Corpora]]. ===== Map ===== {{ :scaism:known_world_2023.jpg?nolink&900 |}} //Map credit: EmperorTigerstar// ===== Kingdom List ===== List of Kingdoms in the Knowne World, in order of founding. ^ Kingdom ^ Date Founded ^ Parent Kingdom ^ Mundane Geography ^ Website ^ |West Kingdom | May 1, A.S. 1 | n/a | USA: Northern California, Nevada and Alaska; JAPAN, KOREA, THAILAND, and the PACIFIC RIM |[[http://www.westkingdom.org|link]]| |[[eastwiki>East Kingdom]] | June, A.S. 3 | n/a | USA: eastern Pennsylvania, eastern New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine; CANADA: Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland |[[http://www.eastkingdom.org|link]]| |[[middlewiki>Middle Kingdom]] | September, A.S. 4 | n/a | USA: Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Scott County in Iowa, most of Kentucky; CANADA: Essex County in Ontario |[[http://www.midrealm.org|link]]| |Atenveldt | January, A.S. 5 | West Kingdom | USA: Arizona |[[http://www.atenveldt.org|link]]| |Meridies | January, A.S. 12 | Atenveldt | USA: Alabama, almost all of Georgia, a bit of the panhandle of Florida, most of Tennessee, and parts of southern Kentucky |[[http://www.kingdom.meridies.org|link]]| |[[caidwiki>Caid]] | June, A.S. 13 | West Kingdom |USA: Southern California, Greater Las Vegas Area, and Hawaii |[[http://www.sca-caid.org|link]]| |Ansteorra | June, A.S. 14 | Atenveldt | USA: Oklahoma, most of Texas |[[http://www.ansteorra.org|link]]| |Atlantia | May, A.S. 16 | East Kingdom | USA: Maryland, District of Columbia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Augusta, Georgia |[[http://www.atlantia.sca.org|link]]| |[[antirwiki>Main_Page|An Tir]] | January, A.S. 16 | West Kingdom | USA: Oregon, Washington, the northern tip of Idaho; CANADA: most of British Columbia, Yukon and Northwest Territories |[[http://www.antir.sca.org|link]]| |Calontir | February, A.S. 18 | Midrealm | USA: Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Northern Arkansas |[[http://www.calontir.org|link]]| |Trimaris | September A.S. 20 |Meridies | USA: Majority of Florida; lays claim to PANAMA |[[http://www.trimaris.org|link]]| |the Outlands | June, A.S. 21 | Atenveldt | USA: New Mexico, most of Colorado, parts of Nebraska; Eastern Wyoming, and El Paso & Hudspeth counties in Texas |[[http://www.outlands.org|link]]| |Drachenwald | June, A.S. 28 | East Kingdom | EUROPE, AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST |[[http://www.drachenwald.sca.org|link]]| |Artemisia | July, A.S. 32 | Atenveldt | USA: Montana, southern Idaho, most of Utah, western Colorado, and Western Wyoming |[[http://artemisia.sca.org|link]]| |Æthelmearc | September, A.S. 32 | East Kingdom | USA: central/western Pennsylvania, western New York, and West Virginia |[[http://www.aethelmearc.org|link]]| |[[branches:kingdom:Ealdormere]] | October, A.S. 33 | Midrealm | CANADA: Ontario (except for Essex County, and Northwestern Ontario) |[[http://www.ealdormere.ca|link]]| |[[lochacwiki>Kingdom of Lochac|Lochac]] | July, A.S. 37 | West Kingdom & Caid | AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND; parts of ANTARCTICA |[[http://lochac.sca.org|link]]| |Northshield | October, A.S. 39 | Midrealm | USA: North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan; CANADA: Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario |[[http://www.northshield.org|link]]| |Gleann Abhann | November, A.S. 40 | Meridies | USA: Mississippi, Louisiana, most of Arkansas, and Memphis, Tennessee |[[http://gleannabhann.net|link]]| |Avacal | June, A.S. 50 | An Tir | CANADA: eastern British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan |[[http://www.avacal.org|link]]|