====== Armoured Combat: Armour Standards ====== The armour standards of [[branches:kingdom:Ealdormere]] are the same as the Society minimum standards; fighters can exceed the protection of these minimums, but are required to at least meet them. //SCA Armour Standards can be found in the the [[http://www.sca.org/officers/marshal/docs/marshal_handbook.pdf|SCA Marshal's Handbook]], Section VI// ==== See Also: ==== * [[http://www.ealdormere.ca/files/ealdormere_armoured_combat_rules_2011.pdf|Kingdom of Ealdormere Armored Combat Rules]] (PDF file) * [[http://www.ealdormere.ca/uploads/2/4/1/5/24151324/ealdormere_earl_marshals_handbook_2011.pdf|Kingdom of Ealdormere Earl Marshals Handbook]] (PDF file) * [[http://www.sca.org/officers/marshal/docs/marshal_handbook.pdf|SCA Marshal's Handbook]] (PDF File)