====== Wiki Content Policy ====== All new users are required request an account. This is a spam-fighting measure and we will try to be as prompt as possible in processing requests. Page-editing privileges are restricted to account-holders. Users who create new content are encouraged to make sure the information is as accurate as possible; bibliographic references are always appreciated, especially if someone is using your article as a jumping-off point for a research project. All excerpted or quoted sources must be attributed. We ask users to refrain from hot-linking images from other sites, especially SCA photo sites; We don't want to be bad net-neighbours and cause a drain on their bandwidth. Many of the images on this website are either public-domain or created by wiki contributors; when posting images to the wiki please give credit to the original artist. **Materials under copyright must not be uploaded to the wiki.** All interactions on this wiki are expected to conform to the SCA's ideals of chivalry and courtesy: trolling or flaming is not acceptable and will result in an immediate ban for the offender. Deliberately posting inaccurate, inappropriate and insulting or harassing content is not acceptable and will likewise result in an immediate ban for the offender. Violating the content policies may result in a temporary – or permanent – ban from editing the Ealdormere wiki depending on the judgement of the moderators. If you note something on the wiki that you feel violates the above policies, please contact a moderator (listed below) and we will do our best to correct the issue. This may take a day or two – we have busy lives with many commitments. Remember: Ealdormere is a small Kingdom and we all have to live with each other; courtesy and good faith will take this wiki a long way. Please note that all contributions to general Kingdom of Ealdormere Wiki pages may be edited, altered, or removed by other contributors. Persona pages or articles may be locked to prevent editing by other users (excluding the administrator, who will always have access) by [[tutorials:request_a_page_lock|requesting a page lock]]. That being said, please be aware that not everyone is comfortable putting their information on the web. We request that you do not add content to a persona page unless requested to do so by that person. You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a public domain or similar free resource. Do not submit copyrighted work without permission - this includes both text, photographs, and artwork! As SCA policies can change over time, please link to any governing documents rather than copying the text over to the wiki. This will help ensure that the most up-to-date information is always available. ==== Wiki Administrator ==== * [[People:Catherine Townson]] - [[mailto:ealdowiki@gmail.com|Contact email]] ==== Wiki Moderators ==== Any of the moderators will likely be able to answer any questions you have, but they've also developed specialties inside the wiki, noted below. * [[people:Dietrich von Sachsen]] - Dietrich is a wizard when it comes to inserting pictures in pages, as well as creating images of heraldry. [[mailto:kfpyette@gmail.com|Contact email]] * [[people:Gwendolyn of Aldburg]] - Gwendolyn loves charts and lineage trees, and can help you add these to a page. [[mailto:gwendolyn.barr@gmail.com|Contact email]]