====== Philomena Lancione ====== ===== Persona ===== //Currently under construction!// ===== Whereabouts ===== Philomena currently resides south of [[Branches:canton:Caldrithig]], in the Barony of [[Branches:barony:Skraeling Althing]]. ===== SCA History ===== While they were present for an event or two in their youth, Philomena had been away from the SCA for many years --a decade or more-- before making contact with the Caldrithig contingent in A.S. LVIII. There was a touch of a false start that spring, when they first began attending Caldrithig's dance classes, but they returned in the autumn, and have been a regular attendee (and vocal proponent) of said classes ever since. Philomena's first 'real' event was Fall Coronation, A.S. LIX, where they witnesses the elevations of ===== Interests ===== //What do you like to do in the SCA?// ===== Awards ===== //List your awards here.// ===== Other Activities ===== //What else would you like people to know about you?// ===== Contact Information ===== //How would you like people to contact you?// ===== External Links ===== //Add a link to your blog or other external website.// [{{media:heraldry:branch_heraldry:ealdormere_wolfium_badge.png?200|You can use the populace badge if you do not have heraldry.}}] /* PLEASE DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS POINT - TAGS FOR AUTO-GENERATED LISTS */ {{tag>to_do}}