====== Laura Battista ======
===== Persona =====
La Magnifica Laura Battista is a 16th century Venetian lady, the wife of a wealthy merchant citizen, [[cesare_ambrigino_di_salvazzi|Cesare Ambrogino di Salvazzi]].
===== Whereabouts =====
Laura currently resides in the Shire of [[branches:shire:champcorbeau|Champcorbeau]].
===== Heraldry =====
* **Device:** Purpure a chevron or between three seahorses erect argent.
* **Badge:** (Fieldless) A natural seahorse contourny purpure bezanty.
===== Offices and Appointments =====
==== Current Office ====
Laura currently holds no offices.
==== Past Offices ====
* {{activities:service:offices:Seneschal-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Seneschal]]** - Shire of [[branches:shire:champcorbeau|Champcorbeau]]
* {{activities:service:offices:Seneschal-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Seneschal]]** - Barony of [[branches:barony:Ramshaven]] (May 2016-May 2018)
* {{activities:service:offices:Seneschal-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Seneschal]]** - Shire of [[middlewiki>Starleaf Gate]] (Midrealm)
* {{activities:service:offices:maos-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Minister of Arts & Sciences]]** - Shire of [[middlewiki>Starleaf Gate]]
* {{activities:service:offices:Chronicler-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Chronicler]]** - Shire of [[middlewiki>Starleaf Gate]]
* {{activities:service:offices:Chronicler-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Chronicler]]** - Shire of [[branches:shire:Trinovantia Nova]]
* {{activities:service:offices:webminister-symbol.png?30|}} **Lord [[activities:service:offices:Clerk Register]]** - Kingdom of Ealdormere
* **Order Secretary** - [[groups:guilds_and_orders:white_wolf_fian|White Wolf Fian]]
===== SCA History =====
Laura first joined the SCA in 1987. She was apprenticed to Dame Madinia Deveraux, and has been a member of the [[groups:guilds_and_orders:White Wolf Fian]].
Laura has two apprentices, Eleanora and Filomena Raven
She is a member of [[groups:households:La Famiglia Salvazzi]].
===== Interests =====
* [[activities:arts_sciences:Costuming]]
* [[activities:arts_sciences:Fibre Arts]]
* [[activities:arts_sciences:Knitting]]
* [[activities:arts_sciences:Lacemaking]]
* [[activities:arts_sciences:Spinning]]
* [[activities:arts_sciences:Weaving]]
===== Awards =====
* **[[awards:Award of Arms]]** - June 18th, 1999
* **[[awards:Award of Orion]]** - March 4th, 2017
* **[[awards:Award of Orion]]** - December 2nd, 2000
* **[[awards:Award of the Maiden's Heart]]** - April 29th, 2000
* **[[awards:Order of the Crucible]]** - September 16th, 2017 (QPT)
* **[[awards:scroll_of_honour|Scroll of Honour]]** - July 4th, 2020 (for the making of Masks, Caps, and Gowns)
* **[[awards:scroll_of_honour|Scroll of Honour]]** - May 22nd, 2021 (FOOL XIV; Rattanicus & Isabel, for service in the Bardic Army of Ealdormere)
* **[[awards:guidon_de_sang|Award of the Guidon de Sang]]** - August 22nd, 2015
* **[[awards:guidon_d_argent|Award of the Guidon d'Argent]]** - July 15th, 2017
* **[[awards:court_barony|Court Barony]]** - January 22nd, 2022 (Coronation of [[history:royalty:roak_vii_and_hyrrokin_ii|Roak VII and Hyrrokin II]])
* **[[awards:order_of_the_laurel|Order of the Laurel]]** - November 12th, 2022
* * **[[awards:order_of_the_wain|Order of the Wain]]** - September 30th, 2023 (Coronation of [[history:royalty:baldric_ii_and_breyla_ii|Baldric II and Breyla II]])
===== Class Handouts =====
//Sember Ubi Sub Ubi// (Always Where Under Where) - Practicum 2024 [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/116plNfsC0TDx0bBo9qHIgrHUm1LX2VrATvy-pmCp7kI/edit?usp=sharing|Easy Medieval underwear patterns]].
===== Contact Information =====
Laura can be contacted either via Facebook (as Laura Battista), or by [[mailto:shewhomeasures@gmail.com|email]].
[{{ media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:laura_battista_heraldry.png?200|Arms: //Purpure a chevron or between three seahorses erect argent//}}]
[{{ media:photographs:people:laura_battista.jpg?200|Mona Laura Battista. Photo by Baron Alexander Gladstone.}}]
[{{ media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:laura_battista_badge.png?200|Badge: //(Fieldless) A natural seahorse contourny purpure bezanty.//}}]
{{tag>people:personas_by_century:16th_century people:personas_by_culture:italian people:barons_baronesses
people:people_by_household:la_famiglia_salvazzi history:lineages:line_of_caitlin
people:people_by_interest:costuming people:people_by_interest:fibre_arts people:people_by_interest:knitting people:people_by_interest:spinning people:people_by_interest:tablet_weaving people:people_by_interest:lucetting people:people_by_interest:dance