====== Elsebeth Ffarberyn ======
===== Persona =====
Meisterin Elsebeth Ffarberyn is a 16th-century German woman, who was born in Nuremburg around 1490 into a family of dyers.
===== Whereabouts =====
Elsebeth currently resides in the Canton of [[branches:canton:Caldrithig|]], in the Barony of [[branches:barony:skraeling_althing|Skraeling Althing]].
===== Heraldry =====
* **Device:** Per bend sinister vert and Or semy of cartouches sable, in bend sinister two roses Or.
* **Badge:** (Fieldless) In saltire a thistle vert and a thistle purpure.
===== Current Office(s) =====
Elsebeth currently holds no offices.
===== Past Offices =====
* {{activities:service:offices:exchequer-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices: Exchequer|Exchequer]]** - Canton of [[branches:canton:Caldrithig|]]
* **[[people:people_by_office:signet|Signet]]** - Barony of [[branches:barony:skraeling_althing|Skraeling Althing]]
* {{activities:service:offices:webminister-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:clerk_register|Clerk Register]]** - Barony of [[branches:barony:skraeling_althing|Skraeling Althing]]
* {{activities:service:offices:webminister-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:clerk_register|Clerk Register]]** - Canton of [[branches:canton:Caldrithig|]]
* {{activities:service:offices:webminister-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:clerk_register|Clerk Register]]** - Scribal College of Ealdormere
* **[[people:people_by_office:signet|Signet]]** - Barony of [[branches:barony:skraeling_althing|Skraeling Althing]]
* {{activities:service:offices:seneschal-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:seneschal|Seneschal]]** - Canton of Lionsdale
* **Dance Mistress** - Canton of Lionsdale
===== SCA History =====
Elsebeth's SCA history is rather varied. Her first event was in the Barony of Castle Rouge in the 1990's; from there she moved to An Tir and was part of a great group in Lionsdale (Abbotsford / Chilliwack area), which just outside of the Barony of Lion's Gate. Her time was spent mostly enjoying the atmosphere. She has been able to meet some great people.
Elesbeth took a break from the SCA for about 15 years, before starting up again in [[branches:barony:skraeling_althing|Skraeling Althing]]. She havs made lunches; organized merchants; learned new skills and crafts; and learned some history from the knowledgeable people around me. Overall a great experience.
===== Interests =====
* [[activities:arts_sciences:cooking|Cooking]]
* [[activities:arts_sciences:painting|Painting]] (Egg Tempera and Oil)
* [[activities:arts_sciences:scribal|Scribal Arts]] (illumination, calligraphy)
* [[activities:arts_sciences:sewing|Sewing]] (some)
* Demo Participation (specifically the Upper Canada Village Demo)
===== Awards =====
* **[[awards:order_of_the_laurel|Order of the Laurel]]** - February 4th, 2023
* **[[awards:award_of_the_maiden_s_heart|Award of the Maiden's Heart]]** - May 20th, 2017
* **[[awards:scroll_of_honour|Scroll of Honour]]** - April 29th, 2017 (Scribes of [[history:royalty:siegfried_ii_and_xristina|Siegfried II and Xristinia]])
* **[[awards:order_of_the_crucible|Order of the Crucible]]** - February 25th, 2017
* **[[awards:order_of_the_hare_salient|Order of the Hare Salient]]** - February 25th, 2017
* **[[awards:order_of_the_black_hare|Order of the Black Hare]]** - February 25th, 2017
* **[[awards:award_of_orion|Award of Orion]]** - November 3rd, 2012
* **[[awards:bunny_tail|Bunny Tail]]** - June 26th, 2010
===== Other Activities =====
There have been many meat pies made for the Barony...
Elesbeth has served roles at various events:
* Gate – Twelfth Night 2018
* Site Facilitator – Coronation 2018
* Lunch Cook - Feast of the Hare, Practicum and Coronation 2018
* Autocrat – Kingdom Arts & Sciences 2017
* Feastocrat – 2016-02-25
* Merchant Liaison – Feast of the Hare 2017
* Lunch Cook – three other Feast of the Hares, and one Practicum; but don’t remember the years
===== Contact Information =====
Elesbeth can be contacted by [[mailto:rhondap@gmail.com|email]].
===== External Links =====
[{{ media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:elsebeth_farberyn_heraldry.png?200|Arms: //Per bend sinister vert and Or semy of cartouches sable, in bend sinister two roses Or.//}}]
[{{ media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:elsebeth_farberyn_badge.png?200|Badge: //(Fieldless) In saltire a thistle vert and a thistle purpure. //}}]
{{tag>people:personas_by_century:16th_century people:personas_by_culture:german
people:people_by_location:caldrithig people:people_by_location:skraeling_althing
people:people_by_interest:scribal people:people_by_interest:sewing people:people_by_interest:painting people:people_by_interest:cooking}}