====== Catherine Townson ======
===== Persona =====
Baroness Catherine Townson (She/They) is an Englishwoman in the mid- to late-16th century (circa 1570).
===== Whereabouts =====
Cathrine currently resides in the Canton of [[branches:canton:Caldrithig]], within the Barony of [[Branches:barony:Skraeling Althing]]. She is originally from the Barony of [[antirwiki>Seagirt]] in [[antirwiki>An Tir]].
===== Heraldry =====
* **Device:** Argent a bend engrailed sable cotised plain azure.
* **Helm:** A helm proper.
* **Crest:** On a coronet argent a popinjay proper maintaining a laurel wreath.
* **Supporters:** On the left a cat sable, gorged with a collar paly or and argent pendent therefrom a roundel of the following arms viz. Checky Or and argent, a lion's jambe bendwise inverted erased sable. On the right a heron proper, gorged with a collar gules pendent therefrom a roundel of the following arms viz. Gules, a mullet of seven points voided and interlaced and a double tressure Or. The Compartment comprising of a grassy mount set with trillium flowers argent barbed vert.
* **Motto:** //Hic habitat felicitas// (Here dwells happiness).
* **Badge:** (Fieldless) A popinjay proper.
* **Badge (alternate):** (Fieldless) A popinjay argent, beaked and membered gules.
===== Offices and Appointments =====
==== Current Offices ====
* {{activities:service:offices:webminister-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:deputy|Deputy]] [[activities:service:offices:clerk_register|Clerk-Register]] ([[tutorials:contact_a_manager|Wiki Team]])** - Kingdom of [[branches:kingdom:ealdormere|Ealdormere]] (February 2023 - present)
* {{activities:service:offices:chronicler-symbol.png?30|}} [[activities:service:offices:deputy|Deputy]] [[activities:service:offices:chronicler|Chronicler]] (Vox Borealis) - Kingdom of [[branches:kingdom:ealdormere|Ealdormere]] (August 2023 - present)
==== Past Offices ====
* **[[awards:territorial_barony|Territorial Baroness]]** - Barony of [[branches:barony:skraeling_althing|Skraeling Althing]] (November 2nd, 2013- September 2018)
* {{activities:service:offices:webminister-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Clerk Register]]** - Barony of [[branches:barony:skraeling_althing|Skraeling Althing]] (April 2016 - 2019)
* {{activities:service:offices:webminister-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Webminister]]** - Canton of [[branches:stronghold:greyfells|Greyfells]] (January 2014 - October 2014)
* {{activities:service:offices:maos-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Minister of Arts & Sciences]]** - Barony of [[branches:barony:skraeling_althing|Skraeling Althing]] (June 2013 - February 2014)
* {{activities:service:offices:webminister-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Webminister]]** - Canton of [[branches:canton:caldrithig|Caldrithig]] (September 2012 - October 2013)
* {{activities:service:offices:maos-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Minister of Arts & Sciences]]**, Canton of Caldrithig (March 2012 - June 2013)
* {{activities:service:offices:chronicler-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Chronicler]]** - Barony of Seagirt (February 2006 – January 2008; Minute taking at meetings and maintenance of the baronial website. There was no newsletter.)
* **[[activities:service:offices:Lady in Waiting]]** - Barony of Seagirt (April 2006 – April 2008; Lady in Waiting to HE [[antirwiki>Tangwystl verch Glyn]] (Glynis) of Seagirt.)
==== Past Appointments ====
* **Arts & Science Champion** - Barony of Seagirt (August 2005 – August 2006)
===== SCA History =====
Catherine joined the Society in the winter of 1995 in An Tir. She moved to Ealdormere in 2009.
===== Interests =====
* [[activities:arts_sciences:Weaving]] and [[activities:arts_sciences:fibre_arts|Fibre Arts]]
* [[activities:arts_sciences:Costuming]], particularly Elizabethan Costuming
* [[activities:arts_sciences:Heraldry]]
* [[activities:martial:Target Archery]] and [[activities:arts_sciences:Fletching]]
* [[activities:arts_sciences:Gardening]]
===== Awards =====
* **[[awards:court_barony|Court Barony]]** - November 3rd, 2018 (Territorial Baroness of [[branches:barony:Skraeling Althing]] November 2nd, 2013 - November 3rd, 2018)
* **[[awards:Award of the Maiden's Heart]]** - April 29, 2017
* **[[awards:Scroll of Honour]]** - September 19, 2015, as one of many seamstress to the reign
* **[[awards:Order of the Laurel]]** - July 4, 2015, for weaving
* **[[awards:Order of the Crucible]]** - June 29th, 2013.
* **[[awards:Order of the Black Hare]]** - November 3rd, 2012. (In recognition of contributions to the Arts & Sciences within the Barony of Skraeling Althing.)
* **[[awards:Great Chalice of Skraeling Althing]]** - November 6th, 2010 – November 6th, 2011.
* **[[antirwiki>Order_of_the_Jambe_de_Lion|Order of the Jambe de Lion]]** - April 12th, 2008. (Grant of Rank [Foreign], An Tir; is awarded to those who have shown excellence in the Arts & Sciences.)
* **[[antirwiki>Ordre_de_L%27Etoile_d%27Argent|Ordre de l'Etoile d'Argent]]** - March 18th, 2006. (Foriegn Honours, Principality of Tir Righ; awarded for Arts & Sciences efforts done to further the Principality.)
* **[[antirwiki>Order_of_the_Rock|Rock]]** - June 2006 (Foreign Honours, Barony of Seagirt; awarded for outstanding service to the Barony.)
* **[[antirwiki>Silent_Harp|Silent Harp]]** - August 2004 (Foreign Honours, Barony of Seagirt; awarded for unheralded achievement in the Arts.)
* **[[awards:Award of Arms]]** - April 3rd, 2004 (Kingdom of An Tir)
===== Activities =====
* Catherine is the current administrator of the EaldoWiki (June 2015 - present).
===== Other =====
* Catherine's heraldic animals have names. The popinjay is Cecil, the cat is Horatio, and the heron is Sydney. For this, we blame [[people:aelfwyn_et_langanwuda|Ælfwyn]].
===== Contact Information =====
Catherine can be reached by [[mailto:cate.townson@gmail.com|email]].
==== See Also ====
* [[history:territorial_barons_baronesses:Catherine and Shahid of Skraeling Althing]]
===== External Links =====
* [[http://catetown.wordpress.com/|Personal A&S Blog]]
[{{ media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:catherine_townson_achievement.jpg?200|Baroness Catherine Townson's full achievement of arms. Note: This has changed and I need to redo the art, please see the blazon text for correct info.}}]
[{{ media:photographs:people:catherine_townson.jpg?200|Baroness Catherine Townson}}]
[{{ media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:catherine_townson_heraldry.png?200|Arms: //Argent a bend engrailed sable cotised plain azure.//}}]
[{{ media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:catherine_townson_badge.png?200|Badge: //(Fieldless) A popinjay argent, beaked and membered gules. //}}]
{{tag>people:personas_by_century:16th_century people:personas_by_culture:english
people:people_by_location:caldrithig people:people_by_location:skraeling_althing
people:barons_baronesses people:order_of_the_laurel
people:people_by_interest:weaving people:people_by_interest:costuming people:people_by_interest:target_archery people:people_by_interest:gardening people:people_by_interest:fletching people:people_by_interest:dirty_dozen_donation_derby people:people_by_interest:fibre_arts people:people_by_interest:heraldry}}