====== Siegfried II and Xristina ====== //King Siegfried the second, arms bare and hands open, beside Xristina, ever elegant.// Siegfried II and Xristina had two reign competitions. * The first was "To sing songs, tell tales, or write stories of any of the Queens of Ealdormere." * The second was "To see a character from a tale or fable brought to life in a period interpretation. The character itself could or could not be in period but the interpretation should be." This was won by Mistress Wencenedl of Rokesburg. =====Reign Information===== Served as: King and Queen Date of Reign: September 17th, AS 51 - April 29th, AS 51 (2016-2017) Reign Theme: Fairy Tales and Stories Reign Period: 14th Century Russia Predecessors: [[Nigel III and Adrielle III]] Successors: [[Quilliam IV and Tangwystl]] Champions: * King's Champion: The Honourable Lord Hans Thorvaldson * Queen's Champion: Baron Sven Gunnolfr Ragnaldson * Fencing Champion: The Honourable Lord Lars Eriksson * Archery Champion: Mistress [[people:Wencenedl of Rokesburg]] * Thrown Weapons Champion: The Honourable Lady [[people:Þorfinna gráfeldr]] * Bardic Champion: Maister [[people:Colyne Stewart]] * Arts & Sciences Champion: [[people:emelote_of_calais|Emelote of Calais]] =====See Also===== Persona page for [[people:Xristina Viacheslavova]]. {{tag>history:royalty:kingdom}}