====== Line of Tonis ====== Master Tonis was a provost to Master [[avacalwiki>Raoul Delaroche]], MOD, of Avacal. =====MoD-Provost===== Solid lines indicate MoD-provost relationships. Dashed lines indicate student relationships (see below for details). Grey borders indicate members who live out-of-Kingdom. | | | | | | | | | |TH| | | | |TH={{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:tonis_van_hoorn_heraldry.png?30|}} Master Tonis| | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | | | | | | | | | |,|-|-|-|v|^|-|-|.| | | | | | | | |!| | | |!| | | |:| | | | | | | | |!| | | |!| | | |:| | | | | | | |QB| |BV| |NC| |QB{border-color:silver}={{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:quinn_of_borealis_heraldry.png?30|}} Quinn|BV={{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:breyla_la_viennette_heraldry.png?30|}} Breyla|NC={{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:nicola_canis_heraldry.png?30|}} [[people:nicola_canis|Nicola]]| =====List of Names===== Master Tonis van Hoorn, MOD, is the head of this line. **Provosts and Men-at-Arms** * The Honourable Lady Quinn of Borealis (of Avacal) * Countess Brayla la Vienette * Lord [[people:Nicola Canis]] (man-at-arms) {{tag>history:lineages:defense}}