====== Line of Guillaume ====== Sir Guillaume was squired to Sir Dubricius Wolfhunt of the Midrealm. =====Knight-Squire Tree===== Solid lines indicate knight-squire relationships. Dashed lines indicate non-oathbound relationships (see below for details). | | |GB| | |GB={{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:guillaume_le_breton_heraldry.png?30}} Sir Guillaume| | | | |:| | | | | | |:| | | | | |WD| |WD={{:media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:wulfgang_donner_faust_heraldry.png?30|}} [[people:Wulfgang Donnerfaust|Wulfgang]]| =====List of Names===== Sir Guillaume le Breton, KSCA, is the head of this line. **Dependents of Sir Guillaume** * Herr [[people:Wulfgang Donnerfaust]] (foster-squire; squired to Count [[Line of Roak|Sarnac Kir]]) {{tag>history:lineages:chivalry}}