====== Fraken Kraken ======
**Fraken Kraken** is a small house and Pennsic camp on block N38 founded by [[people:Mjoll Ulfsdottir|Mjǫll Úlfsdóttir]] and [[people:Ana Yanka]].
At Pennsic in 2019, Fraken Kraken was placed on the Scroll of Honour for providing hospitality following the Woods Battle.
* [[people:mjoll_ulfsdottir|Mjǫll Kenimaðr]]
* [[people:ana_yanka|Ana Yanka]]
* [[people:pesha|Pesha of Little Egypt]]
* [[people:graham_day|Graham Day]]
* Aeris
* Heather
* Nina
* Braggi
* Josiah
* Jerry
* Dan
* Ayla
[{{ media:heraldry:group_heraldry:fraken_kraken_badge.png?200px|Badge of Fraken Kraken: //(Fieldless) A polypus maintaining in base a scythe fesswise argent.//}}]
[{{ media:heraldry:group_heraldry:fraken_kraken_badge_2.png?200px|Badge of Fraken Kraken: //(Fieldless) A polypus maintaining in base a scythe fesswise sable.//}}]