====== Greyfells ======
The **Stronghold of Greyfells** (Kingston) is located in the Barony of [[branches:barony:skraeling_althing|Skraeling Althing]].
Although styled as a Stronghold, it is presently registered as a Canton.
===== Officers =====
* {{activities:service:offices:seneschal-symbol.png?30|}} [[activities:service:offices:seneschal|Seneschal]]: Lord Rodrigo Berenger
* {{activities:service:offices:exchequer-symbol.png?30|}} [[activities:service:offices:exchequer|Exchequer]]: THL Thorfinna gra'feldr
* {{activities:service:offices:maos-symbol.png?30|}} [[activities:service:offices:Minister of Arts & Sciences]]: Maister Colyne Stewart
===== Populace =====
* [[people:people_by_location:greyfells|People of Greyfells]]
===== External Links =====
* [[http://skraelingalthing.com/wp/greyfells/|Greyfells website]]
[{{ media:heraldry:branch_heraldry:greyfells_device.png?200px|The arms of the Canton of Greyfells: //Argent, on a pile purpure a sunburst Or, overall a laurel wreath vert.//}}]
[{{ media:heraldry:branch_heraldry:greyfells_badge_1.png?200px|Populace Badge: //Purpure, on a tankard Or an apple gules slipped and leaved proper, a bordure embattled argent.//}}]
[{{ media:heraldry:branch_heraldry:greyfells_badge_2.png?200px|Populace Badge: //(Fieldless) On a tankard Or an apple gules slipped and leaved proper.//}}]