====== Bryniau Tywynnog ====== The **Canton of Bryniau Tywynnog** (pronounced BRIN'-ee-aw Te-WIN'-og) is one of the three Cantons located in the Barony of [[Branches:barony:Ramshaven]]. Encompassing the mundane lands of the Tri-City Region of Waterloo (Kitchener-Waterloo and Cambridge), Bryniau Tywynnog was founded in A.S. 25, making it older than the Barony it currently resides in. ===== Origin of the Name ===== The name Bryniau Tywynnog is Welsh for "Sandy Hills". The original settlement which eventually became Kitchener was founded in 1807, at the farm of Joseph Schneider, a Mennonite settler. The town was originally called Ben Eby's, after Bishop Benjamin Eby, another early settler. Later the town's name was changed to Ebytown, and finally, to "Sandhills". Sandhills was renamed to Berlin in 1835, after a wave of German immigrants moved to the area, and largely displaced the original Mennonite settlers from the town proper. Due to the poor images associated with Berlin in the War, Berlin was renamed to Kitchener (in honour of Lord Kitchener, the British Field Marshal) in 1916. ===== History ===== The Canton that would eventually become Bryniau Tywynnog was founded in A.S 15 as the Canton of Dubhras, then part of the Barony of [[branches:barony:septentria|Septentria]]. Dubras fell into ruin some time after, as many other cantons did during this time, before eventually becoming Bryniau Tywynnog. Bryniau has been an active canton for over 25 years. Canton members have been active during that time within the community in a number of ways, including "have done a phenomenal amount with various schools in the Region, doing demos for public schools where the medieval unit is taught." The Canton has also frequently participated in the City of Waterloo/University of Waterloo Canada Day festivities, as well as having done a medieval faire on the Island in Victoria Park. Bryniau Tywynnog members have been involved several times with Kitchener's Artsfest. ===== Officers ===== * {{activities:service:offices:seneschal-symbol.png?30|}} [[activities:service:offices:seneschal|Seneschal]]: Mistress Eyrny Ormarsdottir * {{activities:service:offices:exchequer-symbol.png?30|}} [[activities:service:offices:exchequer|Exchequer]]: Duke Edward the Red * {{activities:service:offices:marshal-overall-symbol.png?30|}} [[activities:martial:armoured_combat|Armoured Combat]] [[activities:service:offices:marshal|Marshal]]: Sir Elizabeth Mortimer * {{activities:service:offices:marshal-rapier-symbol.png?30|}} [[activities:martial:rapier_combat|Fencing]] [[activities:service:offices:marshal|Marshal]]: Mistress Eyrny Omarsdottir * {{activities:service:offices:maos-symbol.png?30|}} [[activities:service:offices:minister_of_arts_sciences|Minister of Arts and Science]]: Lord Hrvoje Mihajlovic * {{activities:service:offices:chatelaine-symbol.png?30|}} [[activities:service:offices:castellan|Castellan]]: Vacant * {{activities:service:offices:webminister-symbol.png?30|}} [[activities:service:offices:clerk_register|Clerk Register]]: Lord Henric van der Woude ===== Populace ===== * [[people:people_by_location:bryniau_tywynnog|People of Bryniau Tywynnog]] ===== External Links ===== * [[https://ealdormere.ca/bryniau-tywynnog/|Bryniau Tywynnog Website]] [{{media:heraldry:branch_heraldry:bryniau_tywynnog_device.png?200px|The arms of the Canton of Bryniau Tywynnog: //Or, a chevron vert surmounted by a tower gules between three laurel wreaths vert.//}}]