====== Order of the Hare Valiant ====== The **Order of the Hare Valiant** is a baronial award given in the Barony of [[branches:barony:skraeling_althing|Skraeling Althing]]. It is awarded to members of the Barony for outstanding achievement and contributions to the martial arts in the Barony. The official description on the Skraeling Althing web site defines martial arts as including [[activities:martial:armoured_combat|armoured combat]], [[activities:martial:rapier_combat|fencing]], [[activities:martial:target_archery|target archery]] and [[activities:martial:equestrian|equestrian]] activities. Thrown weapons and siege combat would likely also be included. [{{awards:order_of_the_hare_valiant_badge.png?200px|Badge of the Order of the Hare Valiant: //(Fieldless) Two hares salient respectant sable sustaining in chief a sword palewise Or.//}}] /* PLEASE DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS POINT - TAGS FOR AUTO-GENERATED LISTS */ {{tag>awards:barony:skraeling_althing}}