====== Dirty Dozen Donation Derby ====== Originally started in [[antirwiki>Dirty Dozen Donation Derby|An Tir]]. Here’s how it works: * Each entrant creates 12 items based on a theme. Each entrant picks their own theme. Any theme – as specific or as broad as they want – from ‘things a 14th century man might have in his pockets’ to ‘things I made on Mondays’. * Group entries are allowed. * Items may go to either Kingdom or Baronial largesse. The entrant decides to which each item will go - please note for each item whether it is intended for Kingdom or Baronial largesse. * All submitted items must be ‘ready to go’ as largesse. It is requested that each item be tagged with the entrants name and where they are from. * There is no documentation requirement, but please feel free to provide it if you like. * Judging will be done during the event by populace bean count. The 12 items will be judged as one submission. * The winner of the derby selects one item from each of the other entries as their prize. So 12 entries means the winner gets 11 prizes, etc. * Each other entrant may then select one item from one other entry as an entrant gift. Group entries still only get one prize. * The remaining items will then be donated to Baronial or Kingdom largesse (as marked). Items that do not specify will go to whichever group receives fewer marked largesse items. ===== See Also ===== * [[people:people_by_interest:Dirty_Dozen_Donation_Derby|List of People Interested in Dirty Dozen Donation Derby]] ===== External Links ===== * [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/520009888022124/|Facebook Group]]