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people:marie_l_englois [2018/11/04 07:29] Marie l'Engloispeople:marie_l_englois [2023/04/07 19:00] (current) – Fix image size Catherine Townson
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   * Has served as [[activities:service:autocratting|event steward]], [[activities:service:gate_keeping|gatekeeper]], server, butler, kitchen helper, entertainment coordinator, and barkeep at various events over the years, occasionally even at the same event. Also served as emergency backup [[activities:service:offices:chronicler]] once when the baronial chronicler was unexpectedly hospitalized.   * Has served as [[activities:service:autocratting|event steward]], [[activities:service:gate_keeping|gatekeeper]], server, butler, kitchen helper, entertainment coordinator, and barkeep at various events over the years, occasionally even at the same event. Also served as emergency backup [[activities:service:offices:chronicler]] once when the baronial chronicler was unexpectedly hospitalized.
   * [[scaism:apprentice|Apprenticed]] to the late [[history:lineages:line_of_naon|Master Naon na Chruitire]], laurel harper of Ealdormere and mundane early music professor, for choral and instrumental ensemble music and polyphonic composition.   * [[scaism:apprentice|Apprenticed]] to the late [[history:lineages:line_of_naon|Master Naon na Chruitire]], laurel harper of Ealdormere and mundane early music professor, for choral and instrumental ensemble music and polyphonic composition.
-  * Elevated to the [[awards:Order of the Laurel]] in March A.S.LI for her musical pursuits. Marie doesn't use formal titles much, but where such is expected, she prefers Magistra (teacher).+  * Elevated to the [[awards:Order of the Laurel]] in A.S.LI for her musical pursuits. Marie doesn't use formal titles much, but where such is expected, she prefers Magistra (teacher).
   * Marie has taken two apprentices: THL [[people:giana_gabriella_di_milano|Giana Gabriella di Milano]], and THL Inge of Sten Mark   * Marie has taken two apprentices: THL [[people:giana_gabriella_di_milano|Giana Gabriella di Milano]], and THL Inge of Sten Mark
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     * Participant in [[https://sites.google.com/site/kwcpennsicchoir/home/pennsic-choir|Pennsic Choir]] and [[https://sites.google.com/site/kwcpennsicchoir/home/pennsic-choir/chorulus-pennsicus|Chorulus Pennsicus]]     * Participant in [[https://sites.google.com/site/kwcpennsicchoir/home/pennsic-choir|Pennsic Choir]] and [[https://sites.google.com/site/kwcpennsicchoir/home/pennsic-choir/chorulus-pennsicus|Chorulus Pennsicus]]
     * Has studied historic folk and street music not just court and religious music, has a particular fondness for 16thC secular/humourous multi-part choral pieces, and early drinking and bawdy songs.     * Has studied historic folk and street music not just court and religious music, has a particular fondness for 16thC secular/humourous multi-part choral pieces, and early drinking and bawdy songs.
-    * Other ongoing bardic pursuits include [[activities:arts_sciences:Poetry]] Composition and Recitation, [[activities:arts_sciences:Storytelling]], and learning [[activities:arts_sciences:Harp]] and Bodhran.+    * Other ongoing bardic pursuits include [[activities:arts_sciences:Poetry]] Composition and Recitation, [[activities:arts_sciences:Storytelling]], and learning [[activities:arts_sciences:instrumental:Harp]] and Bodhran.
   * [[activities:arts_sciences:Sewing]] and [[activities:arts_sciences:Costuming]]   * [[activities:arts_sciences:Sewing]] and [[activities:arts_sciences:Costuming]]
     * mainly focused on 1530-1570 England, France, Italy and Spain, with occasional dabbling in German-Saxon and the low countries     * mainly focused on 1530-1570 England, France, Italy and Spain, with occasional dabbling in German-Saxon and the low countries
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   * [[activities:arts_sciences:Trillium Exchange]]: had so much fun as a participant, she signed up to be an admin!   * [[activities:arts_sciences:Trillium Exchange]]: had so much fun as a participant, she signed up to be an admin!
     * Her first exchange project involved retranslating and redacting recipes from four middle-eastern cookbooks to recreate a dozen period variations of the recipient's favourite sweet.     * Her first exchange project involved retranslating and redacting recipes from four middle-eastern cookbooks to recreate a dozen period variations of the recipient's favourite sweet.
-  * [[activities:martial:Thrown Weapons]]: recently tried throwing axes for the first time, and loved it enough that she has concluded she must do a great deal more of it, if her troublesome joints cooperate with the endeavour:D+  * [[activities:martial:Thrown Weapons]]: recently tried throwing axes for the first time, and loved it enough that she has concluded she must do a great deal more of it, if her troublesome joints will cooperate with the endeavour:)
 ===== Classes Taught ===== ===== Classes Taught =====
   * **12th-16thC Bawdy Songs:** Street songs from the Troubadours to the Tudors, naughty nuns and other "nothings", musical fantasies, fetishes, and political incorrectness, and a look at the English Country as you've never seen it before. Ages 18+ only.   * **12th-16thC Bawdy Songs:** Street songs from the Troubadours to the Tudors, naughty nuns and other "nothings", musical fantasies, fetishes, and political incorrectness, and a look at the English Country as you've never seen it before. Ages 18+ only.
-  * **12th-16thC Drinking Songs:** There are more drinking songs suited to our campfires and feast halls than many may realize. Human nature hasn't fundamentally changed, people have loved their booze for centuries. We'll sing drinking songs in five languages, spanning multiple centuries, from sources ranging from the Carmina Burana to Ravenscroft.+  * **12th-16thC Drinking Songs:** There are more drinking songs suited to our campfires and feast halls than many can even dream of. Human nature hasn't fundamentally changed, people have been sharing drink and song for centuries. We'll belt out drinking songs in five languages, spanning multiple centuries, from sources ranging from the Carmina Burana to Ravenscroft.
   * **8th-16thC Holiday Songs:** Some of our favourite carols are older than we think! Others are a fair bit younger. We'll explore Christmas, Yuletide, and holiday celebration songs in multiple languages, from a cross-section of the many different centuries covered by the SCA.   * **8th-16thC Holiday Songs:** Some of our favourite carols are older than we think! Others are a fair bit younger. We'll explore Christmas, Yuletide, and holiday celebration songs in multiple languages, from a cross-section of the many different centuries covered by the SCA.
   * **Contrefait/Contrafacta (aka writing period-style filk):** Caught the bardic bug, have you? Not sure about composing original tunes yet? That's ok, reusing tunes is TOTALLY a period practice, and using period sources for filking avoids all those pesky copyright laws. We'll look at several pre-17thC examples, then create something as a group about current SCA happenings.   * **Contrefait/Contrafacta (aka writing period-style filk):** Caught the bardic bug, have you? Not sure about composing original tunes yet? That's ok, reusing tunes is TOTALLY a period practice, and using period sources for filking avoids all those pesky copyright laws. We'll look at several pre-17thC examples, then create something as a group about current SCA happenings.
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   * **[[awards:Award of the Maiden's Heart]]** - November 12th, 2011, for years of service as director for local choral and instrumental ensembles.   * **[[awards:Award of the Maiden's Heart]]** - November 12th, 2011, for years of service as director for local choral and instrumental ensembles.
   * **[[awards:Order of the Black Hare]]** - February 26th, 2011, for music.   * **[[awards:Order of the Black Hare]]** - February 26th, 2011, for music.
-  * **[[awards:Award of the Orion]]** - February 26th, 2000, for music.+  * **[[awards:Award of Orion]]** - February 26th, 2000, for music.
   * **[[awards:Award of Arms]]** - January 18th, 1997.   * **[[awards:Award of Arms]]** - January 18th, 1997.
   * **[[awards:Bunny Tail]]** - approx 1995ish   * **[[awards:Bunny Tail]]** - approx 1995ish
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   * Marie shares heart and home with [[people:aurikr_biarnarson|Auríkr Biarnarsson]], a Norse blacksmith, singer, musician, poet, and scribe, who would look utterly FABULOUS in Tudor if he ever decided to time travel. :)   * Marie shares heart and home with [[people:aurikr_biarnarson|Auríkr Biarnarsson]], a Norse blacksmith, singer, musician, poet, and scribe, who would look utterly FABULOUS in Tudor if he ever decided to time travel. :)
   * Marie deals with a number of chronic pain conditions that impact her mobility and energy levels. She sometimes doesn't know how actively she'll be able to participate in an event until the day of the event, which can make scheduled activities a challenge. It also sometimes requires garb compromises her inner costuming geek doesn't like.   * Marie deals with a number of chronic pain conditions that impact her mobility and energy levels. She sometimes doesn't know how actively she'll be able to participate in an event until the day of the event, which can make scheduled activities a challenge. It also sometimes requires garb compromises her inner costuming geek doesn't like.
 +  * Marie is an introvert and isn't always comfortable approaching people she doesn't know. If we have interests in common, please do introduce yourself!!
-===== Contact Information ===== 
-  * Marie is an introvert and isn't always comfortable approaching people she doesn't know. If we have interests in common, please do introduce yourself at an event!! 
-  * Marie can also be reached by [[mailto:marie@anonymuse.ca|email]]. 
-===== External Links ===== 
-  * //Coming soon!// 
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP column 25% right> <WRAP column 25% right>
-[{{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:marie_l_englois_heraldry.png?250px|Marie's registered arms: Per bend sinister vert and bendy sinister Or and vert, in dexter chief a maunche Or. //Digital art by [[people:dietrich_von_sachsen|Dietrich von Sachsen]].//}}] +[{{ media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:marie_l_englois_heraldry.png?200px|Marie's registered arms: Per bend sinister vert and bendy sinister Or and vert, in dexter chief a maunche Or. //Digital art by [[people:dietrich_von_sachsen|Dietrich von Sachsen]].//}}] 
-[{{people:marie_laurel.jpg?250px|Photo from Marie's elevation to the Order of the Laurel. //Photo credit [[people:dafydd_ap_alan|Dafydd ap Alan]].//}}] +[{{ people:marie_laurel.jpg?250px|Photo from Marie's elevation to the Order of the Laurel. //Photo credit [[people:dafydd_ap_alan|Dafydd ap Alan]].//}}] 
-[{{people:marie_pavillion.jpg?250px|How to find Marie at camping events... look for the 17' blue-striped spoke-n-wheel round pavillion with music coming out of it! //Pavillion construction, and photo, by [[http://welldressedtent.com/wordpress/|Fritz Wilhelm]].//}}]+[{{ people:marie_pavillion.jpg?200px|How to find Marie at camping events... look for the 17' blue-striped spoke-n-wheel round pavillion with music coming out of it! //Pavillion construction, and photo, by [[http://welldressedtent.com/wordpress/|Fritz Wilhelm]].//}}]
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 {{tag>people:personas_by_century:16th_century people:personas_by_culture:english people:personas_by_culture:french people:people_by_location:caldrithig people:people_by_location:skraeling_althing people:apprentices people:people_by_interest:music people:people_by_interest:singing people:people_by_interest:instrumental people:people_by_interest:bardic people:people_by_interest:poetry people:people_by_interest:storytelling people:people_by_interest:costuming people:people_by_interest:sewing people:people_by_interest:scribal people:people_by_interest:calligraphy people:people_by_interest:research people:order_of_the_laurel history:lineages:line_of_naon}} {{tag>people:personas_by_century:16th_century people:personas_by_culture:english people:personas_by_culture:french people:people_by_location:caldrithig people:people_by_location:skraeling_althing people:apprentices people:people_by_interest:music people:people_by_interest:singing people:people_by_interest:instrumental people:people_by_interest:bardic people:people_by_interest:poetry people:people_by_interest:storytelling people:people_by_interest:costuming people:people_by_interest:sewing people:people_by_interest:scribal people:people_by_interest:calligraphy people:people_by_interest:research people:order_of_the_laurel history:lineages:line_of_naon}}
people/marie_l_englois.1541316563.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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