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people:gina_dragoni [2021/11/16 02:54] Dietrich von Sachsenpeople:gina_dragoni [2024/06/02 20:17] (current) Dietrich von Sachsen
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 ===== Whereabouts ===== ===== Whereabouts =====
-Gina currently resides in the Barony of [[branches:barony:Skraeling Althing]], in the lands of [[history:former_groups:Caldrithig|Caldrithig]].+Gina currently resides in the Barony of [[branches:barony:Skraeling Althing]], in the Canton of [[branches:canton:caldrithig|Caldrithig]].
 ===== Offices and Appointments ===== ===== Offices and Appointments =====
 ===== Current Office(s) ===== ===== Current Office(s) =====
-Gina currently holds no offices.+  * {{activities:service:offices:maos-symbol.png?30|}} **Minister of Arts & Sciences** - Canton of [[branches:canton:caldrithig|Caldrithig]] (April 2022 - present) 
 +  * **Pennsic University Volunteer Coordinator** - [[activities:events:Pennsic war]] 48 onwards (keeping the University point running smoothly for teachers and students through this 2-week event)
 ===== Past Offices ===== ===== Past Offices =====
-  * **[[activities:service:offices:Pennsic University Volunteer Coordinator]]** - [[activities:events:Pennsic war]] 48-51, keeping the University point running smoothly for teachers and students through this 2-week event. 
   * {{activities:service:offices:Seneschal-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Seneschal]]** - Barony of [[branches:barony:Skraeling Althing]] (Nov 2019-Nov 2021)   * {{activities:service:offices:Seneschal-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Seneschal]]** - Barony of [[branches:barony:Skraeling Althing]] (Nov 2019-Nov 2021)
   * {{activities:service:offices:Exchequer-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Exchequer]]** - Canton of [[history:former groups:Harrowgate Heath]] (2015- 2019)   * {{activities:service:offices:Exchequer-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Exchequer]]** - Canton of [[history:former groups:Harrowgate Heath]] (2015- 2019)
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   * **[[activities:service:offices:Chirurgeon]] in-training** - Kingdom of Ealdormere (Started as  in 2006)   * **[[activities:service:offices:Chirurgeon]] in-training** - Kingdom of Ealdormere (Started as  in 2006)
   * **[[activities:service:offices:chirurgeon|Chirurgeon]]** - Kingdom of Ealdormere (Nov 2007 – Nov 2014 and still informally)   * **[[activities:service:offices:chirurgeon|Chirurgeon]]** - Kingdom of Ealdormere (Nov 2007 – Nov 2014 and still informally)
-  * **[[activities:service:offices:Largess Coordinator]]** - Kingdom of Aethelmearc (Largess Coordinator for Queen Anna Leigh 2018-2019 reign.)+  * **Largess Coordinator** - Kingdom of Aethelmearc (for Queen Anna Leigh'2018-2019 reign)
   * {{activities:service:offices:Seneschal-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Seneschal]]** - Canton of [[history:former groups:Harrowgate Heath]]    * {{activities:service:offices:Seneschal-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:Seneschal]]** - Canton of [[history:former groups:Harrowgate Heath]] 
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 **Service:** **Service:**
-  * [[activities:events:Pennsic war]] Senior Staff (representing Kingdom) - Volunteer coordinator for University Point (2019 + 2020)+  * [[activities:events:Pennsic war]] Senior Staff (representing Kingdom) - Volunteer coordinator for University Point (2019 - present)
   * volunteered at First Aid Point (including several times as CIC), Security watch & DART several times every Pennsic.   * volunteered at First Aid Point (including several times as CIC), Security watch & DART several times every Pennsic.
   * co-feast steward at [[activities:events:Feast of the Hare]] (Nov 2004)   * co-feast steward at [[activities:events:Feast of the Hare]] (Nov 2004)
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   * lunch & feast steward for [[activities:events:Summer Siege]] event (Jun 23, 2012)     * lunch & feast steward for [[activities:events:Summer Siege]] event (Jun 23, 2012)  
-  * Autocratted premier event for canton of Harrowgate Heath (ne Offangard) +  * Autocratted premier event for canton of [[history:former groups:Harrowgate Heath]] (ne Offangard) 
   * Marshal Meadows Festival event (July 23, 2005)   * Marshal Meadows Festival event (July 23, 2005)
   * Archery at Marshal Meadows event (May 31, 2008)   * Archery at Marshal Meadows event (May 31, 2008)
   * Co-autocratted [[activities:events:Summer Siege]] event (June 20/09)   * Co-autocratted [[activities:events:Summer Siege]] event (June 20/09)
   * [[activities:events:Border Spat]] - for Love or Vengeance (May 12, 2012)   * [[activities:events:Border Spat]] - for Love or Vengeance (May 12, 2012)
-  * assisted at gate at [[activities:events:Break the Back of Winter]] (Tor Brant Jan 2005) +  * Assisted at gate at [[activities:events:Break the Back of Winter]] (Tor Brant Jan 2005) 
-  * Merchanted canton store +  * Merchanted Canton store 
    * St. Maximus Day in Stratford - April 8th, 2006    * St. Maximus Day in Stratford - April 8th, 2006
    * [[activities:events:Coronation]] - Oct 2007    * [[activities:events:Coronation]] - Oct 2007
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   * Children's activity coordinator - [[activities:events:Skraeling Althing Twelfth Night]] (Jan 6, 2007)   * Children's activity coordinator - [[activities:events:Skraeling Althing Twelfth Night]] (Jan 6, 2007)
   * Registration steward at Hallowmas event (Nov 3, 2007)   * Registration steward at Hallowmas event (Nov 3, 2007)
-  * Their Excellencies court Herald +  * Court Herald for [[history:territorial_barons_baronesses:lucia_and_giovanni_of_skraeling_althing|Lucia and Giovanni of Skraeling Althing]]
     * [[activities:events:Coronation]] (Apr 24, 2010)     * [[activities:events:Coronation]] (Apr 24, 2010)
     * [[activities:events:Feast of the Hare]] (Nov 6 2010)     * [[activities:events:Feast of the Hare]] (Nov 6 2010)
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   * Introduction to Weaving (2 classes in 2017 at [[activities:events:Pennsic war]])   * Introduction to Weaving (2 classes in 2017 at [[activities:events:Pennsic war]])
   * Making a Fibula (Roman Brooch) in 2019 at [[activities:events:Practicum]] event   * Making a Fibula (Roman Brooch) in 2019 at [[activities:events:Practicum]] event
-  * Scheduled for several Making a Fibula (Roman Brooch) classes in 2020 (2021) at [[activities:events:Pennsic war]] event+  * Making a Fibula (Roman Brooch) classes in 2020 (virtual), 2021 (Virtual), 2022 and 2023 at [[activities:events:Pennsic war]] event
 **Demonstration/Teaching participation:** **Demonstration/Teaching participation:**
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 **Event participation outside of attendance:** **Event participation outside of attendance:**
-  * co-feast steward at [[activities:events:Feast of the Hare]] (Nov 2004); +  * Co-feast steward at [[activities:events:Feast of the Hare]] (Nov 2004); 
   * Lunch steward at Tor Brant event ([[activities:events:Dandelion Festival]] May 2006);    * Lunch steward at Tor Brant event ([[activities:events:Dandelion Festival]] May 2006); 
   * Autocratted premier event for canton of Harrowgate Heath (ne Offangard)   * Autocratted premier event for canton of Harrowgate Heath (ne Offangard)
-   * Marshal Meadows Festival (July 23, 2005);  +    * Marshal Meadows Festival (July 23, 2005);  
-   * Archery at Marshal Meadows (May 31, 2008);  +    * Archery at Marshal Meadows (May 31, 2008);  
-   * Co-autocratted [[activities:events:Summer Siege]] event (June 20/09);  +    * Co-autocratted [[activities:events:Summer Siege]] event (June 20/09);  
-   * [[activities:events:Border Spat]] - for Love or Vengeance (May 12, 2012);  +    * [[activities:events:Border Spat]] - for Love or Vengeance (May 12, 2012);  
-  * assisted at gate at [[activities:events:Break the Back of Winter]] (Tor Brant Jan 2005);  +  * Assisted at gate at [[activities:events:Break the Back of Winter]] (Tor Brant Jan 2005);  
-  * lunch steward at Fowl Winter’s Night (Mar 4th, 2006); +  * Lunch steward at Fowl Winter’s Night (Mar 4th, 2006); 
   * Merchanted canton store (St. Maximus Day in Stratford April 8th, 2006);    * Merchanted canton store (St. Maximus Day in Stratford April 8th, 2006); 
   * Refreshment coordinator - Marshal Meadows: Feast of Love (Jun 10th, 2006);    * Refreshment coordinator - Marshal Meadows: Feast of Love (Jun 10th, 2006); 
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   * Merchanted canton store ([[activities:events:Feast of the Hare]] - Nov 15, 2008);    * Merchanted canton store ([[activities:events:Feast of the Hare]] - Nov 15, 2008); 
   * Lunch steward - [[activities:events:Practicum]] (Caldrithig Feb 2008);    * Lunch steward - [[activities:events:Practicum]] (Caldrithig Feb 2008); 
-  * Their Excellencies court Herald - [[activities:events:Coronation]] (Apr 24, 2010);  +  * Court Herald for [[history:territorial_barons_baronesses:lucia_and_giovanni_of_skraeling_althing|Lucia and Giovanni of Skraeling Althing]] - [[activities:events:Coronation]] (Apr 24, 2010);  
-  * Their Majesties court Herald - [[activities:events:Dandelion Festival]] (May 15, 2010);  +  * Court Herald for [[history:royalty:quilliam_i_and_dagmar_i|Quilliam I and Dagmar I]] - [[activities:events:Dandelion Festival]] (May 15, 2010);  
-  * Lunch steward - [[activities:events:Summer Siege]] event(June 19, 2010);  +  * Lunch Steward - [[activities:events:Summer Siege]] event(June 19, 2010);  
-  * Their Excellencies court Herald - [[activities:events:Feast of the Hare]] (Nov 6 2010);  +  * Court Herald for [[history:territorial_barons_baronesses:lucia_and_giovanni_of_skraeling_althing|Lucia and Giovanni of Skraeling Althing]] - [[activities:events:Feast of the Hare]] (Nov 6 2010);  
-  * Their Excellencies court Herald - [[activities:events:Crown Tournament]] Spring Crown Tournament (Spring 2011); +  * Court Herald for [[history:territorial_barons_baronesses:lucia_and_giovanni_of_skraeling_althing|Lucia and Giovanni of Skraeling Althing]] - [[activities:events:Crown Tournament]] Spring Crown Tournament (Spring 2011); 
   * Autocratted [[activities:events:Border Spat]] event between East Kingdom & Ealdormere (May 25, 2012);    * Autocratted [[activities:events:Border Spat]] event between East Kingdom & Ealdormere (May 25, 2012); 
   * [[activities:events:Pennsic war]] - volunteered at First Aid Point (including several times as CIC) and Security watch many times per event. Volunteered at Ealdormere Royal; 2017 [[activities:events:Pennsic war]] Volunteered for Disability cart also. 2018 started volunteering for Watch base radio shifts.   * [[activities:events:Pennsic war]] - volunteered at First Aid Point (including several times as CIC) and Security watch many times per event. Volunteered at Ealdormere Royal; 2017 [[activities:events:Pennsic war]] Volunteered for Disability cart also. 2018 started volunteering for Watch base radio shifts.
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   * Entered [[activities:events:Queen's Prize Tourney]] with card woven belt (2016)   * Entered [[activities:events:Queen's Prize Tourney]] with card woven belt (2016)
   * Entered [[activities:arts_sciences:Pentathlon]] with hand sewn dress; mead; soap; pearl necklace and woven belt (2017)   * Entered [[activities:arts_sciences:Pentathlon]] with hand sewn dress; mead; soap; pearl necklace and woven belt (2017)
-  * 2019 [[activities:events:Pennsic war]] volunteered as Senior staff to coordinate the volunteers and A&S point through Pennsic University Volunteer Coordinator +  * 2019 - Current [[activities:events:Pennsic war]] volunteered as Senior staff to coordinate the volunteers and A&S point through Pennsic University Volunteer Coordinator
- * Entered [[activities:events:Queen's Prize Tourney]] with Viking wire weave display(2020)+
 ===== Interests ===== ===== Interests =====
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   * [[activities:arts_sciences:Spinning]]   * [[activities:arts_sciences:Spinning]]
   * [[activities:arts_sciences:Cooking]]   * [[activities:arts_sciences:Cooking]]
-  * [[activities:arts_sciences:Candle making]] +  * Chandlery (i.e. Candle-making) 
-  * [[activities:arts_sciences:Soap making]]+  * Soap-making
   * [[activities:arts_sciences:Beading]]   * [[activities:arts_sciences:Beading]]
-  * [[activities:arts_sciences:Paper making]] +  * Paper-making 
-  * [[activities:arts_sciences:Brewing]] (mead & wine making)+  * [[activities:arts_sciences:Brewing]] (specifically Mead and Wine)
   * [[activities:arts_sciences:Illumination]]   * [[activities:arts_sciences:Illumination]]
-  * [[activities:service:offices:Chirurgeon]] (First aid+  * [[activities:service:offices:Chirurgeon]] (i.e. First Aid
-  * [[activities:arts_sciences:Public speaking]]+  * Public Speaking
   * [[activities:arts_sciences:Research]]   * [[activities:arts_sciences:Research]]
   * [[activities:arts_sciences:Jewellery making]]   * [[activities:arts_sciences:Jewellery making]]
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   * [[activities:arts_sciences:Fletching]]    * [[activities:arts_sciences:Fletching]] 
-Gina enjoys learning new skills; creating items that will be enjoyed by others; and providing service to my canton, barony, and kingdom(s) where I enjoy playing.+Gina enjoys learning new skills; creating items that will be enjoyed by others; and providing service to her canton, barony, and kingdom(s) where she enjoys playing.
 She also enjoys visiting other cantons, baronies and kingdoms and enjoying their events. She also enjoys visiting other cantons, baronies and kingdoms and enjoying their events.
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   * **[[awards:Award of the King’s Favour]]** - April 28th, 2018 (reign of King Baldric)   * **[[awards:Award of the King’s Favour]]** - April 28th, 2018 (reign of King Baldric)
   * **[[awards:Court Barony]]** - February 9th, 2019 (Foreign Honours; granted Queen Anna Leigh of Aethelmearc)   * **[[awards:Court Barony]]** - February 9th, 2019 (Foreign Honours; granted Queen Anna Leigh of Aethelmearc)
 +  * **[[awards:order_of_the_wain|Order of the Wain]]** - November 12th, 2022
 +  * **[[awards:scroll_of_honour|Scroll of Honour]]** - April 20th, 2024 (for providing largesse for the reign of [[history:royalty:baldric_ii_and_breyla_ii|Baldric II and Breyla II]])
 ===== Contact Information ===== ===== Contact Information =====
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 <WRAP column 25% right> <WRAP column 25% right>
-[{{ media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:gina_dragoni_heraldry.png?250|Arms: //Or, on a Nordic spectacle helm a dragon passant purpure.//}}] +[{{ media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:gina_dragoni_heraldry.png?200|Arms: //Or, on a Nordic spectacle helm a dragon passant purpure.//}}] 
-[{{ media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:gina_dragoni_and_richard_of_dragon_castle_badge.png?250|Badge: //Or, in chief a goulpe, and in base six piles inverted three and three purpure.//}}] +[{{ media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:gina_dragoni_and_richard_of_dragon_castle_badge.png?200|Badge: //Or, in chief a goulpe, and in base six piles inverted three and three purpure.//}}] 
-[{{ media:photographs:people:Baronessa_gina_dragoni 2.jpg?250px|Baronessa Gina Dragoni.}}] +[{{ media:photographs:people:Baronessa_gina_dragoni 2.jpg?200|Baronessa Gina Dragoni.}}] 
- [{{ media:photographs:people:2016 Richard of Dragon Castle and Gina Dragoni.jpg?250px| Lord Richard of Dragon Castle with wife Lady Gina Dragoni.}}]+ [{{ media:photographs:people:2016 Richard of Dragon Castle and Gina Dragoni.jpg?200| Lord Richard of Dragon Castle with wife Lady Gina Dragoni.}}]
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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 {{tag> {{tag>
 people:personas_by_century:14th_century people:personas_by_culture:italian  people:personas_by_century:14th_century people:personas_by_culture:italian 
-people:apprentices people:proteges +people:apprentices people:proteges people:barons_baronesses 
-people:people_by_location:skraeling_althing+people:people_by_location:skraeling_althing people:people_by_location:caldrithig
 history:lineages:line_of_caitlin history:lineages:line_of_james history:lineages:line_of_caitlin history:lineages:line_of_james
-people:people_by_office:exchequer +people:people_by_office:moas 
-}}+people:people_by_interest:sewing people:people_by_interest:costuming people:people_by_interest:target_archery people:people_by_interest:weaving people:people_by_interest:spinning people:people_by_interest:cooking people:people_by_interest:beading people:people_by_interest:brewing people:people_by_interest:illumination people:people_by_interest:research people:people_by_interest:jewelry_making}}
people/gina_dragoni.1637031288.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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