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people:aurikr_biarnarson [2016/07/05 19:33] – fix typo Catherine Townsonpeople:aurikr_biarnarson [2023/04/07 16:07] (current) – Fixing images Dietrich von Sachsen
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 ====== Auríkr Biarnarson ====== ====== Auríkr Biarnarson ======
-Content is currently being sacked and/or pillaged.  Please wait while the Norsemen complete their re-organization. 
 ===== Persona ===== ===== Persona =====
-Auríkr is Norse blacksmith living on the northern shores of Vinland.  While under the direction of Leif Erikson, he helped establish a settlement in the new land.+Auríkr Biarnarson (he/him) is an 11th-century Norse blacksmith living on the northern shores of Vinland.  While under the direction of Leif Erikson, he helped establish a settlement in the new land.
 ===== Whereabouts ===== ===== Whereabouts =====
-Within the SCA, Auríkr resides in the [[branches:canton:caldrithig|Canton of Caldrithig]], within the [[branches:barony:skraeling_althing|Barony of Skraeling Althing]].+Auríkr currently resides in the [[branches:canton:caldrithig|Canton of Caldrithig]], within the [[branches:barony:skraeling_althing|Barony of Skraeling Althing]].
 ===== Heraldry ===== ===== Heraldry =====
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 ==== Past Offices ==== ==== Past Offices ====
-  * **[[activities:service:offices:clerk_register|Clerk Registrar]]** - Barony of Skraeling Althing (November 2010 - November 2013)+  * {{activities:service:offices:webminister-symbol.png?30|}} **[[activities:service:offices:clerk_register|Clerk Registrar]]** - Barony of Skraeling Althing (November 2010 - November 2013)
 ===== SCA History ===== ===== SCA History =====
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 ===== Awards ===== ===== Awards =====
-  * **[[awards:award_of_the_orion|Award of the Orion]]** - November 16, 2013 (Blacksmithing, Sewing, Scribal Arts)+  * **[[awards:order_of_the_black_hare|Order of the Black Hare]]** - November 7, 2015 (Blacksmithing) 
 +  * **[[awards:award_of_orion|Award of the Orion]]** - November 16, 2013 (Blacksmithing, Sewing, Scribal Arts)
   * **[[awards:award_of_arms|Award of Arms]]** - May 28, 2011   * **[[awards:award_of_arms|Award of Arms]]** - May 28, 2011
   * **[[awards:bunny_tail|Bunny Tail]]** - Jan 2010   * **[[awards:bunny_tail|Bunny Tail]]** - Jan 2010
 ===== Other ===== ===== Other =====
-Auríkr lives with his love [[people:marie_l_englois|THL Marie l'Englois]], a lady skilled in all things musical and sewing.+Auríkr lives with his love Magistra [[people:marie_l_englois|Marie l'Englois]], a lady skilled in all things musical and sewing.
 ===== Contact Information ===== ===== Contact Information =====
-Please contact me by [[rockforge@gmail.com|email]].+Auríkr can be contacted via [[mailto:rockforge@gmail.com|email]].
-===== External Links ===== 
-//Add a link to your blog or other external website.// 
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-[{{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:auirikr_heraldry.png?250px|Arms: //Sable, in pale three hammers Or between flaunches per fess rayonny Or and gules.//}}]+[{{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:auirikr_heraldry.png?200|Arms: //Sable, in pale three hammers Or between flaunches per fess rayonny Or and gules.//}}]
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people/aurikr_biarnarson.1467747184.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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