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history:lineages:line_of_evander [2024/04/15 12:23] – [List of Names] Gwendolyn of Aldburghistory:lineages:line_of_evander [2024/11/02 13:10] (current) – [List of Names] Gwendolyn of Aldburg
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-| | |   |GA|  |!|   |LT|  |:|   |MT|  | | | | | | | | | |GA={{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:gwendolyn_of_aldburg_heraldry.png?30}} [[people:Gwendolyn of Aldburg| Gwendolyn]]|LT={{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:laurenz_tonnemacher_heraldry.png?30}} Sir Laurenz|MT={{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:morag_taylor_heraldry.png?30}} Morag|+| | |   |GA|  |!|   |LT|  |:|   |MT|  | | | | | | | | | |GA={{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:gwendolyn_of_aldburg_heraldry.png?30}} [[people:Gwendolyn of Aldburg| Gwendolyn]]|LT={{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:laurenz_tonnemacher_heraldry.png?30}} Ritter Laurenz|MT={{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:morag_taylor_heraldry.png?30}} Morag|
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 | | | | | |   |MU|  | |   |PO|  | | | | | | | | | | | | |MU={{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:mjoll_ulfsdottir_round_shield.png?30}} [[people:Mjoll Ulfsdottir|Mjǫll]]|PO= {{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:padraig_o_conchobhair_heraldry.png?30}} Pádraig| | | | | | |   |MU|  | |   |PO|  | | | | | | | | | | | | |MU={{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:mjoll_ulfsdottir_round_shield.png?30}} [[people:Mjoll Ulfsdottir|Mjǫll]]|PO= {{media:heraldry:personal_heraldry:padraig_o_conchobhair_heraldry.png?30}} Pádraig|
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 =====List of Names===== =====List of Names=====
-Count Evander MacLachlan, KSCA, OP, is the head of this line.+Duke Evander MacLachlan, KSCA, OP, is the head of this line.
-**Current and former squires and students of Count Evander:** +**Current and former squires and students of Duke Evander:** 
-  * Sir Tiberius of Warwickshire, KSCA+  * Sir Tiberius of Warwickshire, KSCA, OL
   * Lord Brandt das Lederwerker   * Lord Brandt das Lederwerker
-  * Rytsar Varakii Varenko Idanovich, KSCA+  * Rytsar Varakii Varenko Idanovich, KSCA, OL
   * Lord Kallimakh Casek (now in Avacal)   * Lord Kallimakh Casek (now in Avacal)
   * Baron Cameron MacGregor   * Baron Cameron MacGregor
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   * The Honourable Lady [[people:Gwendolyn of Aldburg]]   * The Honourable Lady [[people:Gwendolyn of Aldburg]]
   * Kennari [[people:Mjoll Ulfsdottir|Mjǫll Kenimaðr]], OL   * Kennari [[people:Mjoll Ulfsdottir|Mjǫll Kenimaðr]], OL
-  * Sir Laurenz Tonnemacher, KSCA+  * Ritter Laurenz Tonnemacher, KSCA
   * Lord Pádraig Ó Conchobhair, called Paddy O'Connor (student)   * Lord Pádraig Ó Conchobhair, called Paddy O'Connor (student)
   * The Honourable Lady Morag Taylor   * The Honourable Lady Morag Taylor
 =====See Also===== =====See Also=====
-The List of Kennari Mjoll's apprentices can be found in the [[Line of Tarkatai]].\\+The list of Kennari Mjoll's apprentices, and the list of Sir Tiberius's apprentices can both be found in the [[Line of Tarkatai]].\\ 
 +The list of Rytsar Varenko's apprentices can be found in the [[Line of Naon]].\\
history/lineages/line_of_evander.1713183813.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/15 12:23 by Gwendolyn of Aldburg

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