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groups:guilds_and_orders:yeomen_of_the_wolf [2015/05/13 19:47] – external edit [2024/10/24 19:53] (current) Sciath Ingen Chaennaig
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 +<WRAP column 65% >
 ====== Yeomen of the Wolf ====== ====== Yeomen of the Wolf ======
 +The **Yeomen of the Wolf** is a martial company within the [[branches:kingdom:ealdormere|Kingdom of Ealdormere]].  Its mandate is to inspire participation in all types of ranged weapons activities; and to expand the frequency and variety of ranged weapons events and tournament types throughout the Kingdom . Members of the Yeomen will be encouraged to assist wherever possible, both on the range and off, and to be true ambassadors for the missile weapons community.  The company will be open to anyone who participates in ranged weapons activities ([[activities:martial:target_archery|target archery]], [[activities:martial:thrown_weapons|thrown weapons]], [[activities:martial:combat_archery|combat archery]] and [[activities:martial:siege_combat|siege weapons]]).  Like other martial companies such as the [[groups:guilds_and_orders:ealdormere_academy_of_defence|Ealdormere Academy of Defence]], the Yeomen of the Wolf is not an official SCA order.  Ranks achieved within it will just be marks of achievement within the company and carry no standing within Ealdormere 's Order of Precedence.
-A participation-based archery group in the Kingdom of Ealdormere.  
-One becomes member by shooting five scoring rounds in any calendar year (any shoot that is scored countsmax. one per day) and maintains membership by shooting at least three scoring rounds each following year.+===== Company Ranks ===== 
 +The company will have rank system and progressing in rank will be achieved through a point scoring system.  Points can be earned through all types of activity that is associated with any of the ranged weapons disciplines ([[activities:martial:target_archery|target archery]], [[activities:martial:thrown_weapons|thrown weapons]], [[activities:martial:combat_archery|combat archery]] and [[activities:martial:siege_combat|siege weapons]]). Points will be acquired from participation in tournaments, martial prowess, period equipment and appearance, and service to the various ranged weapons disciplines (see below). The company's ranks are as follows: 
 +  * **Yeoman**; 
 +  * **Yeoman Corporal**; 
 +  * **Yeoman Sergeant**; and 
 +  * **Yeoman Captain** 
 +These ranks are based on period military ranks and though they are similar to rank names used in other SCA organizations, the names are in common enough usage that there shouldn't be any conflict with ranks used by other groups. 
 +In addition to these ranksThere is also be the rank of Yeoman MarshalThe Yeoman Marshal is the person in charge of organizing the company. That rank will be relinquished once the person steps down from that office and hands it over to a successor. The duties of the Yeoman Marshal will be to: 
 +  * coordinate the activities and special company events and tournaments (along with a list of different tournament ideas that can be used to plan company and privately sponsored tournaments); 
 +  * maintaining a master score list that tracks the progress and ranks of all members of the company; 
 +  * maintaining contact with marshals from the different ranged weapons disciplines and keeping members of the company aware of all upcoming events and practices.  
 +Other senior marshals from the various ranged weapons activities can also help to share the duties with the Yeoman Marshal.  This will allow consistency within the company over time, provide a pool of potential successors ready to succeed an outgoing Yeoman Marshal, spread out the workload and allow the presence of one or more senior members of the company to be present at as many of the tournaments as possible. 
 +===== Joining and Advancing in the Company ===== 
 +When an individual decides to join the company they will be given the rank of Yeoman and provided with a score book to track their progress and a patch with the badge of the company (see below).  Once a person scores enough points to advance in rank they will be presented with a rank badge to display along with their company badge.  Members are responsible for bringing their score book to events, meetings, practices, etc so any points they earn can be tracked and confirmed by marshals or the Yeoman Marshal.  They should also periodically report their scores to the Yeoman Marshal or senior marshals associated with the company so it can be updated on the master scoring list. 
 +Scoring points through martial prowess will come from participating in tournaments, scores from tournaments, placing in the top three in tournaments, participating in and scoring war points, etc.  Types of tournaments include: Royal Rounds, IKACs, Winter shoots, Seasonal shoots, Clout shoots, Roving ranges, Novelty shoots, Sponsored shoots, Shoots based on period tournaments, etc.  
 +Scoring points through service and practical application will come from all other non-martial prowess activities that are associated with the different ranged weapons disciplines and will include all types of marshaling, sponsoring tournaments, serving as a champion, owning period garb and equipment, making period garb and equipment, research, teaching, etc.  This part of the scoring system will not only reward people for participating in a wide variety of activities within the ranged weapons community but allow those who are not as skilled in the martial aspects of the various disciplines to also be able to progress in rank at a reasonable rate.   It is hoped that having as large as possible selection of activities will give people as many opportunities and as wide a variety of ways to advance in rank. 
 +  * A **Yeoman** starts with 0 points. He or she is given a Company Badge batch and a scorebook. 
 +  * A **Yeoman Corporal** is one with at least 70 points. He or she has the right to a rank patch of a single arrow or dagger. 
 +  * A **Yeoman Sergeant** is one with at least 200 points. He or she has the right to a rank patch of two arrows or daggers. 
 +  * A **Yeoman Captain** is one with at least 350 points. He or she has the right to a rank patch of a sheaf of arrows or daggers. 
 +  * The **Yeoman Marshall** has the right to the rank patch of crossed arrows or axes. 
 +===== Scoring Points in the Company ===== 
 +Please note this is a work-in-progress. 
 +  * Participating in a Tournament: 1 point 
 +  * Participating in a War Point Shoot: 1 point 
 +  * Placing in a Tournament: 5 points for 1st; 3 points for 2nd; 1 point for 3rd 
 +  * Serving as a Champion (Royal, Pennsic, Baronial, etc): 3 points 
 +**[[activities:martial:target_archery|Target Archery]]:** 
 +  * Royal Round Scoring: 1 point for 20, 2 points for 40, 3 points for 60, 4 points for 80, 5 points for 100 
 +  * Winter Shoot Scoring: 1 point for 40, 2 points for 70, 3 points for 100, 4 points for 150, 5 points for 180 
 +  * IKAC Scoring: 1 point for 60, 2 points for 110, 3 points for 160, 4 points for 220, 5 points for 260 
 +  * Seasonal Shoots and other Tpyes of Shoots Scoring: 1 point for 20%, 2 points for 33%, 3 points for 50%, 4 points for 75%, 5 points for 90% 
 +  * War Points: 1 point for 10, 2 points for 30, 3 points for 60, 4 points for 90, 5 points for 120 
 +**[[activities:martial:thrown_weapons|Thrown Weapons]]:** 
 +  * Royal Round Scoring: TBD 
 +  * Other Types of Tournaments: TBD (% of total score?) 
 +  * War Points: TBD 
 +**[[activities:martial:combat_archery|Combat Archery]] and [[activities:martial:siege_combat|Siege Weapons]]:** 
 +  * Authorizing in [[activities:martial:combat_archery|Combat Archery]]: 2 points* 
 +  * Authorizing in [[activities:martial:siege_combat|Siege Combat]]: 2 points* 
 +  * Participating in a Battle: 1 point per battle 
 +  * Making a Combat Archery Weapon: 2 points each
 +  * Making a Siege Engine: 5 points each* 
 +**Service and Application:** 
 +  * Becoming a [[activities:martial:target_archery|Target Archery]] [[activities:service:offices:marshal|Marshal]]: 2 points*  
 +  * Becoming a [[activities:martial:thrown_weapons|Thrown Weapons]] [[activities:service:offices:marshal|Marshal]]: 2 points* 
 +  * Becoming a [[activities:martial:combat_archery|Combat Archery]] [[activities:service:offices:marshal|Marshal]]: 2 points* 
 +  * Becoming a [[activities:martial:siege_combat|Siege Combat]] [[activities:service:offices:marshal|Marshal]]: 2 points* 
 +  * [[activities:service:offices:marshal|Marshal]] in Charge: 3 points each time* 
 +  * Marshaling at an event or practice (set up, take down, inspection, running the line, etc): 1 point each time* 
 +  * Serving as Yeoman Marshal: 5 points 
 +  * Sponsoring a Tournament: 5 points each time 
 +  * Canton [[activities:service:offices:marshal|Marshal]]: 2 points* 
 +  * Baronial [[activities:service:offices:marshal|Marshal]]: 3 points* 
 +  * Kingdom [[activities:service:offices:marshal|Marshal]]: 4 points* 
 +  * Society [[activities:service:offices:marshal|Marshal]]: 5 points* 
 +  * Teaching: 3 points per class* 
 +  * Research and Articles: 5 points per project* 
 +  * Entering relevant items into an A&S Competition: 2 points per entry* 
 +  * Owning period equipment, garb, and/or accessories: 1 point per item, scored only once - does not stack with points for making the item* 
 +  * Making period equipment, garb, and/or accessories: 5 points per item, scored only once* 
 +* Services points can be awarded if the individual has already accomplished the task (once for each section).    This is optional and each individual can choose to "start fresh" and get a head start when they join the company. 
 +<WRAP column 25% right> 
 +[{{ media:heraldry:group_heraldry:yeomen_of_the_wolf_badge.png?200px|The Badge of the Yeoman of the Wolf: //(Fieldless) on a vol argent, a wolf's head cabossed gules.//}}] 
groups/guilds_and_orders/yeomen_of_the_wolf.1431546436.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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