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awards:patent_of_arms [2016/07/08 18:08] – created Gwendolyn of Aldburgawards:patent_of_arms [2023/03/27 22:12] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Patent of Arms ====== ====== Patent of Arms ======
-A Patent of Arms is the highest award that can be bestowed in the [[scaism:society for creative anachronism|SCA]]. It is rarely given on its own, rather an individual is normally inducted into one of four polling orders: the [[Order of the Chivalry]], the [[Order of the Laurel]], the [[Order of the Pelican]], and the [[Order of Defense]].  Together, these orders are known as Peerages, and their members are known as Peers of the Realm.  They all hold equal rank. +**Patent of Arms** is the highest award that can be bestowed in the [[scaism:society for creative anachronism|SCA]]. It is rarely given on its own, rather an individual is normally inducted into one of four polling orders: the [[Order of the Chivalry]], the [[Order of the Laurel]], the [[Order of the Pelican]], and the [[Order of Defense]].  Together, these orders are known as Peerages, and their members are known as Peers of the Realm.  They all hold equal rank. 
 Patents of Arms are a Society wide Award that is recognized in every Kingdom in the [[scaism:Knowne World]].  As such, the qualifications for each peerage are laid out in [[scaism:Corpora]].   Patents of Arms are a Society wide Award that is recognized in every Kingdom in the [[scaism:Knowne World]].  As such, the qualifications for each peerage are laid out in [[scaism:Corpora]].  
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   * The [[Order of the Laurel]] recognizes excellence in the [[activities:arts_sciences:start|arts & sciences]].   * The [[Order of the Laurel]] recognizes excellence in the [[activities:arts_sciences:start|arts & sciences]].
   * The [[Order of the Pelican]] recognizes exemplary [[activities:service:start]].   * The [[Order of the Pelican]] recognizes exemplary [[activities:service:start]].
-  * The [[Order of Defense]] recognizes martial prowess in [[activities:martial:rapier combat]].+  * The [[Order of Defense]] recognizes martial prowess in [[activities:martial:rapier combat|Fencing]].
 ===== Elevation ===== ===== Elevation =====
awards/patent_of_arms.1468001285.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 22:12 (external edit)

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